Kerala PSC Staff Nurse Grade 2 Question and Answer Part -1

Kerala PSC Staff Nurse Grade 2 Practice Questions and Answers This Post contain 25 question and answers solved with rational for previous exams,Kerala psc staff nurse exam.This questions can ask for any nursing related government exams in India


1.Heart beat is initiated by ?

(A) AV-node

(B) Purkinjee fiber

(C) SA-node

(D) Bundle of his

Ans: (C) SA-node


2. A physician order , means medication to be given only once at a specified time:

(A) State order

(B) Prn order

(C) single order

(D) Standing order

Ans: (C) single order


3. The site preferred for giving I/M injection for adults and anyone over 7 months old:

(A) Vastus lateralis

(B) Deltoid

(C) Dorso gluteal

(D) Ventro gluteal

Ans: (D) Ventro gluteal


4.Rising ICP (intra cranial pressure) is accompanied by:

(A) Tachycardia and hypotension

(B) Bradycardia and hypotension

(C) Bradycardia and hypertension

(D) Tachycardia and hypertension

Ans: (C) Bradycardia and hypertension


5. A process of redirecting the energy produced by unacceptable desires or activities so that they become acceptable:

(A)Reaction formation

(B) Projection

(C) Identification


Ans: (D)Sublimation



(A) Serotonine

(B) Acetylcholine

(C) Dopamine

(D) Endorphine

Ans: (B) Acetylcholine


7. The suitable method to handle an overactive aggressive patient is:

(A) Accepting criticism and verbal attacks without punishment

(B) Avoiding the person and neglect him for a while

(C) Firing the person and applying restraints

(D) Try to cheer up the person and give praise and encouragement

Ans:(A) Accepting criticism and verbal attacks without punishment


8. Recommended protein requirement of an Indian adult:

(A) 1g/kg body Wt

(B) 0.1g/kg body Wt

(C) 2g/kg body wt

(D) 1.5g/kg body wt

Ans: (A) 1g/kg body Wt


9. Malnutrition comprises of following from except:

(A) Under nutrition

(B) Over nutrition


(D) Micro nutrition

Ans: (D) Micro nutrition


10. The ratio for giving external chest compression and breathing in CPR:

(A) 30:2

(B) 15:2

(C) 30:4

(D) 15:4

Ans:(A) 30:2


11. First aid for strong acid and alkali poisoning:

(A) Tickling back of pharynx by finger

(B) Swallowing concentrated salt solution

(C) Do not induce vomiting

(D) Gastric lavage

Ans:(C) Do not induce vomiting


12. Approximate weight of the placenta at term:

(A)¼ th of baby’s wt

(B) 1/6 th of baby’s wt

(C)1/7 th of baby’s wt

(D) 1/3 rd of baby’s wt


Ans:(C)1/7 th of baby’s wt



13. The part of fetal circulation which becomes fossa ovalis after birth :

(A) Umbilical arteries

(B)Ductus arteries

(C) Foramen ovale

(D) Umbilical vein

Ans:(C) Foramen ovale


14. Which of the following condition of a pregnant women needs immediate attention?

(A) Epigastric pain

(B) Pain radiating to back

(C) Cramps

(D) Heart burn

Ans:(A) Epigastric pain


15. Which among these is a sign/symptom of impending labour?

(A) Lightening

(B) Quickening

(C)Braxton hicks contraction

(D) Tightening

Ans:(D) Tightening


16. Drug of choice for the management of eclampsia:

(A) Diazepam

(B) Epsolin

(C) Magnesium sulphate

(D) Labetalol

Ans:(C) Magnesium sulphate


17. A nurse in a labour room should do this measure to prevent prolonged to a patient:

(A) Be with the patient

(B) Maintaining partograph

(C)Giving oxytocin

(D) Assessing maternal and fetal vital signs

Ans:(B) Maintaining partograph


18. Technique used by a midwife in 2nd stage of labour to facilitate over an intact perineum:

(A) Ironing out

(B) Bearing down effort

(C) Fundal pressure

(D) Episiotomy

Ans:(A) Ironing out


19. The measure which is done to manage shoulder dystocia

(A) Burns marshall manoeuvre

(B) Lovset manoeuvre

(C)Mauriceau-smellie-viet manoeuvre

(D) Mac Robert’s manoeuvre

Ans:(D) Mac Robert’s manoeuvre


20. The most heat sensitive vaccine which should be stored at -20 degree c:

(A) DPT vaccine

(B) Hepatitis vaccine

(C)Polio vaccine

(D)Measles vaccine

Ans:(C)Polio vaccine



21. Apgar scoring done at which time period has more predictive value of neonatal well being?

(A) 1st min

(B) 10th min

(C)5th min

(D)15th min

Ans:(C)5th min


22. Kangaroo mother care may be continued for low birth weight babies until:

(A) Baby has no sign of hypothermia

(B) Baby has regular breathing

(C)Baby gains weight around 2500g

(D)Baby has no sign of infection and takes feeding

Ans:(C)Baby gains weight around 2500g


23. A child has breath holding spell. What advice will you give the parent to manage the child?

(A) Give punishment to the child

(B) Protect and pamper the child

(C)Neglect the child during spell

(D)Be tolerant , calm and kind

Ans:(D)Be tolerant , calm and kind


24. Which of the following is used for grading protein energy malnutrition?

(A) ballard’s scale

(B) Gomez scale

(C)Bishop scale

(D)Krammer’s rule

Ans:(B) Gomez scale


25. A patient who takes an antihistamine medication diphenhydramine , what would be the expected side effect of the drug?


(B) Palpitation

(C)Dry mouth


Ans:(C)Dry mouth

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